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Where can you find out more about our findings?
We've presented our findings at (among others):
  • IUSSI 2018, Brazil (Fabio Manfredini)
  • ISBE 2018, USA (Matt Hasenjager)
  • Sunbelt 2018, the Netherlands (Matt Hasenjager)
  • ece2018, Italy (Fabio Manfredini)
  • ESA 2018, Canada (Elli Leadbeater and Fabio Manfredini)
  • ASAB 2019, Germany (Matt Hasenjager)
We organized a symposium on Brains and Behaviour at ESA 2018- thanks to all our participants who made this such an enjoyable and interesting session!
Software: The NBDA code that has been developed through BeeDanceGap is available here:
  • Hoppitt W, Photopoulou T, Hasenjager M and Leadbeater E (2018). NBDA: A Package For Implementing Network-Based Diffusion Analysis. R package version 0.6.1. You can access it via GitHUB here:
Publications: You can read our project-associated publications here:


  • Hasenjager M, Hoppitt W and Leadbeater E (2020) Network-based diffusion analysis reveals context-specific dominance of dance communication in foraging honeybees. Nature Communications, in press. In this paper, we use NBDA to quantify the relative roles of dance communication, trophallaxis and antennation in recruiting and re-activating honeybees to a food source.
  • Siviter H, Horner J, Brown MJF and Leadbeater E (2019) Sulfoxaflor exposure reduces egg-laying in bumblebees (Bombus terrestris). Journal of Applied Ecology, online early edition: Here, we show that microcolonies of bumblebees produce fewer eggs when exposed to field-realistic concentrations of the novel pesticide Sulfoxaflor (an emerging replacement for neonicotinoids)
  • Siviter H, Scott A, Pasquier G, Pull C, Brown MJF and Leadbeater E (2019) No evidence for negative impacts of acute sulfoxaflor exposure on bee olfactory conditioning or working memory. PeerJ, 7:e7208 We show that  (unlike neonicotnoid pesticides) field-realistic concentrations of the novel pesticide Sulfoxaflor may not affect learning and memory performance in bumblebees and honeybees. In other words, documented negative effects of sulfoxaflor cannot be satisfactorily attributed to effects on cognition.
  • Leadbeater E and Hasenjager M (2019) Honeybee Communication: There's more on the dancefloor. Current Biology (Dispatch) 29: R285–6. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.03.009. We provide our perspective on an interesting study showing that simply contact with another bee (rather than a sugar reward) can elicit learning in honeybees.

  • Hasenjager M and Leadbeater E (2019) Insect Social Learning. In: Choe, J.C.
    (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, (2nd ed.). vol. 3, pp. 356–364. Elsevier,
    Academic Press. ISBN: 9780128132517.
    Here, Matt Hasenjager summarizes the background research that he did when joining the lab to work on bees for the first time.

  • Siviter H, Brown MJF and Leadbeater E (2018) Sulfoxaflor exposure redu​ces bumblebee reproductive success. Nature, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0430-6. This paper examines the impact of a new pesticide on bee reproductive success. 

  • Siviter H, Koricheva J, Brown MJF and Leadbeater E (2018) Quantifying the impact of pesticides on learning and memory in bees. Journal of Applied Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13193. This paper derived from Harry Siviter's preparatory research on pesticides, in preparation for his later experiments on Sulfoxaflor.

  • Samuelson AE, Gill RJ, Brown MJF and Leadbeater E (2018) Lower bumblebee colony reproductive success in agricultural compared to urban environment. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 10.1098/rspb.2018.0807. Ash's work wouldn't be possible without our ERC-funded apiary. This work capitalises upon a land-use classification protocol (see below) that she developed in order to study the foraging patterns of bees in our observation hives and changes in land-use.

  • Samuelson AE and Leadbeater E (2018) A land-use classification protocol for pollinator ecology research: an urbanisation case study. Ecology and Evolution, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4087. Ash Samuelson devised this protocol in order that her dance-decoding could be used to study honeybee forage patterns in different environments

  • Samuelson AE and Leadbeater E (2017) Foraging by honeybees. ChX, Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behaviour (Eds Vonk J, Shackelford T, Section Ed Guillette L), Springer. This chapter summarises the literature that we reviewed in order to plan our experimental design

  • Leadbeater E and Dawson EH (2017) A social insect perspective on the evolution of social learning mechanisms. PNAS, DOI 10.1073/pnas.1620744114. This review chapter summarises a presentation by E. Leadbeater, delivered to the National Academy of Sciences as part of a Sackler Colloquium.

We hold regular outreach events including talks to beekeeping societies, introductory days for school groups and "Lunch and Learn" sessions. Our next one will be advertised here, so watch this space.
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